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The World Is Sending Their Criminals and Laughing at Us. Trump Will Stop It

When President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took office, they immediately reversed most of President Trump’s successful illegal immigration policies, threw the border wide open and incentivized an unprecedented and catastrophic criminal illegal alien invasion.
It wasn’t incompetence. It was by design. And only when the illegal immigrant tsunami began to be a political liability did Biden appoint Harris “border czar.” It was all border theater, of course. If she had truly intended to address the cataclysm in any constructive way, she would have by now, especially with the blueprint staring them in the face. To immediately and effectively control the border, all they had to do was return to the effective Trump-era policies: enhance border enforcement, resume construction of the border wall construction, reinstitute Remain in Mexico and reform asylum. Instead, Harris allowed and continues to allow our nation’s borders to be systematically erased and overrun.
The result is the worst illegal alien invasion in the history of the world. Official estimates indicate over 10 million illegal migrants have entered the country since Biden and Harris took control. That is likely a lowball assessment. And that number is on top of the over 11 million illegal migrants here prior to 2021—again, a lowball number.
The share of people living within America’s borders who are foreign born is the highest it has ever been in our nation’s history. Because Harris chose a path of deliberate border and enforcement destruction, we have been swamped by tens of millions of invaders, who have brought with them grave economic, social, cultural, and national security threats.
Of course, Harris dodges any responsibility for the border crisis she intentionally created. In true Orwellian gaslighting, she denies ever being the “border czar,” and her administration claims that the record number of illegal border crossings on her watch is merely “cyclical” and not a result of her disastrous Open Borders policy.
You’re supposed to just forget that during her hastily-ended 2020 primary run for president, she admitted that as president, she would make it only a civil offense to illegally cross America’s border.
Harris claims she needs Congress to act on the border. She expects voters to ignore the dozens of executive actions the Biden-Harris administration took to dismantle Trump’s strong border policies and the fact that they could implement them once again with a swipe of the pen.
Harris is also refusing to press other nations that are directly exporting their citizens in droves to the United States. Take socialist Venezuela. About 6,000 Venezuelans are entering the country illegally each month, according to recent estimates. When Biden-Harris tried to do the bare minimum and send a fraction of them back home, Venezuela refused to accept the flights—in response to which Harris simply threw up her hands and surrendered to Venezuela’s terms.
This is what happens with exceedingly weak leadership—and the exact opposite of what happened when we had strong leadership with Trump. The former President recently told Fox News’s Bill Melugin that he will not tolerate Venezuela’s recalcitrance and will ensure that deportation flights land. “I’ll force them down their throat,” Trump said.
Trump also understands leverage: Venezuela receives over $200 million annually in foreign aid. Not allowing our lawful deportation flights to land? Face the consequences.
There also is a mechanism in place to deal with recalcitrant nations that the current administration has not used: Section 243(d) visa sanctions. These sanctions were called a “very, very powerful tool” by an Obama State Department official and allow the U.S. to deny immigrant and non-immigrant visas to a nation’s citizens until they accept the repatriation of one of their citizens.
These sanctions were employed effectively by the Trump administration. For example, Guinea began to accept repatriation flights in 2018 after visa sanctions were imposed the year before.
“Border Czar” Harris has refused to use this potent tool with Venezuela. A lack of fear of deportation has helped to draw hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans across our border during the Biden-Harris years.
As a result, we’ve seen the rise of Tren de Aragua, a vicious Venezuelan illegal immigrant gang that has overtaken apartment buildings, attacked police officers and is running an interstate prostitution ring. The gang is now being described as MS-13 “on steroids.”
Over 870,000 illegal immigrant Venezuelans have crossed the border during the Biden-Harris administration. So many Venezuelans have left the infamously dangerous country that crime has plummeted there. Bloomberg documented that “Venezuela’s rate of violent deaths dropped to its lowest level in more than two decades” as “criminals” have fled the nation. And the New York Times recently described the town of Maracaibo as desolate: “Fewer cars drive down the streets and fewer criminals are around to steal them. Christmas dinners, once packed with noisy relatives, are lonely affairs aided by webcams.”
When you have an administration that appeases socialist dictators, refuses to use its leverage, invites the world in illegally and puts America Last, the rest of the world will take advantage of that weakness. And it is.
President Trump’s second administration can’t come soon enough. It’s long past time to restore his strong America First leadership to rescue the Republic.
Monica Crowley is the Host of the Monica Crowley Podcast and served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury from 2019-2021.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
